Public Webinar
EA and ArchiMate Business
Course Description:
This course is aimed at business architects who wish to learn ArchiMate notation and how to model ArchiMate viewpoints in Enterprise Architect. It covers the ArchiMate business layer for modelling business organisation, processes and functions, the motivation extension for identifying stakeholders, drivers and goals as well as strategy elements that focus on business capabilities.

No prior knowledge of ArchiMate is required. Basic Enterprise Architect experience is expected. If new to Enterprise Architect consider attending our “EA Fundamentals” course first.

For webinar delivery delegates require a PC or laptop running Enterprise Architect with an Internet connection (a headset can be helpful). If you wish to test your environment join a test WebEx meeting:
A trial version of Enterprise Architect is fine for training and can be downloaded from Sparx Systems website: It is also helpful to have a mouse as this makes creating diagrams much easier.
Course Style:
50% theory, 50% practical
Each module is accompanied by hands-on exercises to allow delegates to apply the theory and become confident using ArchiMate and Enterprise Architect.
Delegate Handouts:
Each delegate receives a booklet containing all the course slides and comprehensive theory notes which form excellent reference material. Booklets also contain exercises and suggested solutions. Following successful completion of the course each delegate receives a certificate.
Course Modules:
- Delegate background and objectives
- Timetable and course outline
EA and ArchiMate Teaching – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1.5 hours
- Create business layer diagrams in EA
- Business actors and roles
- Model actors and roles in EA
- Explore traceability in EA
- Use relationship matrix in EA
- Organisation viewpoint
- Present organisation viewpoint in EA
- Business functions and data flows
- Create business functions and data flows in EA
- Business processes and events
- Business object model and relationship
- Add processes, events and objects in EA
- Link to BPMN models in EA
- Business services
- Catalogue business services in EA
- Business process co-operation viewpoint
- Business process co-operation viewpoint in EA
EA and ArchiMate Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1 hour
- Create strategy diagrams in EA
- Capabilities
- Document capabilities in EA
- Capability map viewpoint
- Create capability map viewpoint in EA
- Resources
- Catalogue resources in EA
- Resource map viewpoint
- Produce resource map viewpoint in EA
- Courses of action
- Define courses of action in EA
- Strategy viewpoint
- Model strategy viewpoint in EA
- Outcome realisation viewpoint
- Record outcome realisation viewpoint in EA
EA and ArchiMate Teaching – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1 hour
- Create motivation diagrams in EA
- Stakeholders and drivers
- Identify stakeholders and their drivers in EA
- Assessments and goals
- Document assessments and goals in EA
- Stakeholder viewpoint
- Create stakeholder viewpoint in EA
- Requirements, constraints and principles
- Capture requirements and constraints in EA
- Model influence relationships in EA
- Map goals to principles in EA
- Goal realization viewpoint
- Present goal realization viewpoint in EA
- Requirements realization viewpoint
- Show requirements realization viewpoint in EA
- Motivation viewpoint
- Illustrate entire motivation viewpoint in EA