Custom Training
Select modules from our catalogue to create your own custom training course (any combination of Enterprise Architect, ArchiMate, BPMN, UML and SysML modules).
ArchiMate Modules

ArchiMate Teaching – 0.5 hour
- What is ArchiMate
- ArchiMate core layers and extensions
- Mapping to TOGAF
- Language structure
- Derived relationships
- Stakeholders, viewpoints and views
- Relationship with UML and BPMN
- ArchiMate as a toolkit
ArchiMate Teaching – 1 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
- Business actors and roles
- Organisation viewpoint
- Business functions and data flows
- Business processes and events
- Business object model and relationships
- Business services
- Business process co-operation viewpoint
ArchiMate Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
- Business collaborations and interactions
- Business interfaces
- Representations
- Products and contracts
- Product viewpoint
ArchiMate Teaching – 1 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
- Stakeholders and drivers
- Assessments and goals
- Stakeholder viewpoint
- Requirements, constraints and principles
- Goal realization viewpoint
- Requirements realization viewpoint
- Motivation viewpoint
ArchiMate Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
- Capabilities
- Capability map viewpoint
- Resources
- Resource map viewpoint
- Courses of action
- Strategy viewpoint
- Outcome realisation viewpoint
ArchiMate Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
- Application components
- Application functions
- Data object model and relationships
- Application services
- Application usage viewpoint
ArchiMate Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
- Application component structure
- Application collaborations and interactions
- Application interfaces
- Application co-operation viewpoint
ArchiMate Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
- Nodes, devices and system software
- Paths and communication networks
- Locations
- Technology viewpoint
ArchiMate Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
- Technology functions, services and interfaces
- Technology usage viewpoint
- Artifacts
- Implementation and deployment viewpoint
ArchiMate Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
- Materials, equipment and facilities
- Distribution networks
- Physical viewpoint
ArchiMate Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Organise elements with groupings
- Information structure viewpoint
- Layered viewpoint
ArchiMate Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Work packages and deliverables
- Project viewpoint
ArchiMate Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Plateaux and gaps
- Migration viewpoint
- Implementation and migration viewpoint
EA ArchiMate Modules

EA Teaching – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1.5 hours
- Introduction to EA
- Navigate the EA user interface
- Create project models in EA
- Create diagrams in EA
- Understand the structure of EA projects
- Create and delete elements in EA
- Search for elements in EA
EA Teaching – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1.5 hours
- Create business layer diagrams in EA
- Model actors and roles in EA
- Explore traceability in EA
- Use relationship matrix in EA
- Present organisation viewpoint in EA
- Create business functions and data flows in EA
- Add processes, events and objects in EA
- Link to BPMN models in EA
- Catalogue business services in EA
- Business process co-operation viewpoint in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Define collaborations and interactions in EA
- Model business interfaces in EA
- Add representations in EA
- Document products and contracts in EA
- Illustrate the product viewpoint in EA
EA Teaching – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1 hour
- Create motivation diagrams in EA
- Identify stakeholders and their drivers in EA
- Document assessments and goals in EA
- Create stakeholder viewpoint in EA
- Capture requirements and constraints in EA
- Model influence relationships in EA
- Map goals to principles in EA
- Present goal realization viewpoint in EA
- Show requirements realization viewpoint in EA
- Illustrate entire motivation viewpoint in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1 hour
- Create strategy diagrams in EA
- Document capabilities in EA
- Create capability map viewpoint in EA
- Catalogue resources in EA
- Produce resource map viewpoint in EA
- Define courses of action in EA
- Model strategy viewpoint in EA
- Record outcome realisation viewpoint in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1 hour
- Create application layer diagrams in EA
- Model application components in EA
- Use tagged values for custom properties in EA
- Document functions in EA
- Add data objects in EA
- Catalogue application services in EA
- Illustrate application usage viewpoint in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Understand component structure in EA
- Model collaborations and interactions in EA
- Define application interfaces in EA
- Show application co-operation viewpoint in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create technology layer diagrams in EA
- Model nodes, devices and system software in EA
- Document technology roadmaps in EA
- Add paths and communication networks in EA
- Document locations in EA
- Present an technology viewpoint in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Document functions and services in EA
- Define interfaces in EA
- Create technology usage viewpoint in EA
- Create artifacts in EA
- Establish deployment viewpoint in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create physical diagrams in EA
- Add materials, equipment and faculties in EA
- Model distribution networks in EA
- Produce physical viewpoint in EA
EA Teaching – 0.25 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.25 hour
- Group elements to organise diagrams in EA
- Insert related elements in EA
- Create information structure viewpoint in EA
- Illustrate layered viewpoint in EA
EA Teaching – 0.25 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create implementation diagrams in EA
- Define work packages and deliverables in EA
- Model project viewpoint in EA
EA Teaching – 0.25 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Document architecture plateaux in EA
- Analyse gaps in EA
- Present migration viewpoint in EA
- Implementation and migration viewpoint in EA
EA + ArchiMate Modules

EA and ArchiMate Teaching – 1 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1.5 hours
- Create business layer diagrams in EA
- Business actors and roles
- Model actors and roles in EA
- Explore traceability in EA
- Use relationship matrix in EA
- Organisation viewpoint
- Present organisation viewpoint in EA
- Business functions and data flows
- Create business functions and data flows in EA
- Business processes and events
- Business object model and relationship
- Add processes, events and objects in EA
- Link to BPMN models in EA
- Business services
- Catalogue business services in EA
- Business process co-operation viewpoint
- Business process co-operation viewpoint in EA
EA and ArchiMate Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Business collaborations and interactions
- Define collaborations and interactions in EA
- Business interfaces
- Model business interfaces in EA
- Representations
- Add representations in EA
- Products and contracts
- Document products and contracts in EA
- Product viewpoint
- Illustrate the product viewpoint in EA
EA and ArchiMate Teaching – 1 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1 hour
- Create motivation diagrams in EA
- Stakeholders and drivers
- Identify stakeholders and their drivers in EA
- Assessments and goals
- Document assessments and goals in EA
- Stakeholder viewpoint
- Create stakeholder viewpoint in EA
- Requirements, constraints and principles
- Capture requirements and constraints in EA
- Model influence relationships in EA
- Map goals to principles in EA
- Goal realization viewpoint
- Present goal realization viewpoint in EA
- Requirements realization viewpoint
- Show requirements realization viewpoint in EA
- Motivation viewpoint
- Illustrate entire motivation viewpoint in EA
EA and ArchiMate Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1 hour
- Create strategy diagrams in EA
- Capabilities
- Document capabilities in EA
- Capability map viewpoint
- Create capability map viewpoint in EA
- Resources
- Catalogue resources in EA
- Resource map viewpoint
- Produce resource map viewpoint in EA
- Courses of action
- Define courses of action in EA
- Strategy viewpoint
- Model strategy viewpoint in EA
- Outcome realisation viewpoint
- Record outcome realisation viewpoint in EA
EA and ArchiMate Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1 hour
- Create application layer diagrams in EA
- Application components
- Model application components in EA
- Use tagged values for custom properties in EA
- Application functions
- Document functions in EA
- Data object model and relationship
- Add data objects in EA
- Application services
- Catalogue application services in EA
- Application usage viewpoint
- Illustrate application usage viewpoint in EA
EA and ArchiMate Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Application component structure
- Understand component structure in EA
- Application collaborations and interactions
- Model collaborations and interactions in EA
- Application interfaces
- Define application interfaces in EA
- Application co-operation viewpoint
- Show application co-operation viewpoint in EA
EA and ArchiMate Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create technology layer diagrams in EA
- Nodes, devices and system software
- Model nodes, devices and system software in EA
- Document technology roadmaps in EA
- Paths and communication networks
- Add paths and communication networks in EA
- Locations
- Document locations in EA
- Technology viewpoint
- Present an technology viewpoint in EA
EA and ArchiMate Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Technology functions, services and interfaces
- Document functions and services in EA
- Define interfaces in EA
- Technology usage viewpoint
- Create technology usage viewpoint in EA
- Artifacts
- Create artifacts in EA
- Implementation and deployment viewpoint
- Establish deployment viewpoint in EA
EA and ArchiMate Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create physical diagrams in EA
- Materials, equipment and facilities
- Add materials, equipment and faculties in EA
- Distribution networks
- Model distribution networks in EA
- Physical viewpoint
- Produce physical viewpoint in EA
EA and ArchiMate Teaching – 0.25 hour
Paper Exercises – 0.25 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.25 hour
- Organise elements with groupings
- Group elements to organise diagrams in EA
- Insert related elements in EA
- Information structure viewpoint
- Create information structure viewpoint in EA
- Layered viewpoint
- Illustrate layered viewpoint in EA
EA and ArchiMate Teaching – 0.25 hour
Paper Exercises – 0.25 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create implementation diagrams in EA
- Work packages and deliverables
- Define work packages and deliverables in EA
- Project viewpoint
- Model project viewpoint in EA
EA and ArchiMate Teaching – 0.25 hour
Paper Exercises – 0.25 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Plateaux and gaps
- Document architecture plateaux in EA
- Analyse gaps in EA
- Migration viewpoint
- Present migration viewpoint in EA
- Implementation and migration viewpoint
- Implementation and migration viewpoint in EA
SysML Modules

SysML Teaching – 0.5 hour
- Advantages of graphical notations
- History of SysML and UML
- Key SysML diagrams
- Process and capture requirements
- System structure and dynamics
SysML Teaching – 0.5 hour
- Importance of managing requirements
- Differentiate needs from solutions
- Requirements traceability
- Strategies to control scope creep
- Document requirements
- Requirements levels and relationships
- Categorise requirements
UML/SysML Teaching – 0.5 hour
- What information to gather
- Sources of information
- Top 8 requirements elicitation techniques
- When to use each technique
- Common problems with elicitation
UML/SysML Teaching – 1 hour
Paper Exercises – 1.5 hours
- Comparison with traditional requirements
- Workshops and GUI prototypes
- Model users as actors
- External systems and timers
- Actor definition and notation
- Actor generalisation
- Use case and scenario definition
- Use case notation
- Use case diagrams
UML/SysML Teaching – 1 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
- Use case specification
- Use cases drive development
- Include relationship
- Extend relationship
- Use case inheritance
SysML Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
- Block definition and notation
- Block value properties
- Value types, quantity kind and units
- Reference and part relationships
- Block classification hierarchies
- Operations and receptions
- Ports and Interfaces
SysML Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 0.5 hour
- When to create internal block diagrams
- Internal block structure
- Part and reference property instances
- Roles and multiplicity
- Ports and interfaces
- Items for information flow
SysML Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
- Constraint blocks
- Parameters on constraint properties
- Input and output parameters
- Model equations and formulae
UML/SysML Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Document business activities and workflow
- Model Sequential activities
- Nested and structured activities
- Decision and merge (conditional logic)
- Fork and join (parallel logic)
- Object states and action pins
- Send, accept and time signals
- Swimlanes for responsibility
UML/SysML Teaching – 1 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
- Object notation and lifelines
- Message passing and sequencing
- Actors and the system boundary
- Asynchronous messages
- Create and delete objects
- Interaction frames for loops and decisions
- Centralised verses distributed control
UML/SysML Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
- When to use state machines
- Object lifecycles and states
- Transitions and events
- Actions
- Entry, exit and do events
UML/SysML Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Guard conditions
- Internal events and self-transitions
- Automatic transitions
- Nested states and the history symbol
- Concurrent states
EA SysML Modules

EA Teaching – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1.5 hours
- Introduction to EA
- Navigate the EA user interface
- Create project models in EA
- Create diagrams in EA
- Understand the structure of EA projects
- Create and delete elements in EA
- Search for elements in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create requirements diagrams in EA
- Document requirements in EA
- Relate requirements in EA
- Set requirements priority and status in EA
- Define requirements categories in EA
- View list of requirements in EA
- Import and export requirements in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create use case diagrams in EA
- Create and document actors in EA
- Define use cases in EA
- Colour code use case status in EA
- Organise the use case model in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Document scenarios in EA
- Generate activity diagrams in EA
- Generate test cases in EA
- Add use case relationships in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Add requirements to use case or activity in EA
- Create realize relationships in EA
- Drag and drop requirements in EA
- Diagram to demonstrate traceabilty in EA
- Traceability window in EA
- Matrix to cross-reference requirements in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1 hour
- Create block definition diagrams in EA
- Add blocks and value properties in EA
- Create reference and part associations in EA
- Model classification hierarchies in EA
- Define block behaviour in EA
- Add ports and interfaces in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create internal block diagrams in EA
- Add part property instances in EA
- Connect parts in EA
- Define ports and conjugated ports in EA
- Model item flows in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create parametric diagrams in EA
- Define constraint blocks in EA
- Add constraint properties in EA
- Add parameters in EA
- Connect parameters in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create activity diagrams in EA
- Add actions and control flow in EA
- Model decisions and parallel actions in EA
- Add action pins in EA
- Model send, accept and time signals in EA
- Use swimlanes or partitions in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1 hour
- Create sequence diagrams in EA
- Add objects, messages and returns in EA
- Communicate using interfaces in EA
- Show asynchronous messages in EA
- Create and destroy objects in EA
- Use fragments for logic in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create state machine diagrams in EA
- Add states and transitions in EA
- Define events, conditions and actions in EA
- Add entry, exit and do events to states in EA
- Show nested states and history in EA
EA + SysML Modules

EA and SysML Teaching – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create requirements diagrams in EA
- Importance of managing requirements
- Differentiate needs from solutions
- Requirements traceability
- Strategies to control scope creep
- Document requirements
- Document requirements in EA
- Requirements levels and relationships
- Relate requirements in EA
- Set requirements priority and status in EA
- Categorise requirements
- Define requirements categories in EA
- View list of requirements in EA
- Import and export requirements in EA
EA and UML/SysML Teaching – 1 hour
Paper Exercises – 1.5 hours
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create use case diagrams in EA
- Comparison with traditional requirements
- Workshops and GUI prototypes
- Model users as actors
- External systems and timers
- Actor definition and notation
- Actor generalisation
- Create and document actors in EA
- Use case and scenario definition
- Use case notation
- Use case diagrams
- Define use cases in EA
- Colour code use case status in EA
- Organise the use case model in EA
EA and UML/SysML Teaching – 1 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Use case specification
- Document scenarios in EA
- Use cases drive development
- Generate activity diagrams in EA
- Generate test cases in EA
- Include relationship
- Extend relationship
- Use case inheritance
- Add use case relationships in EA
EA and SysML Teaching – 1 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1 hour
- Create block definition diagrams in EA
- Block definition and notation
- Block value properties
- Value types, quantity kind and units
- Add blocks and value properties in EA
- Reference and part relationships
- Create reference and part associations in EA
- Block classification hierarchies
- Model classification hierarchies in EA
- Operations and receptions
- Define block behaviour in EA
- Ports and interfaces
- Add ports and interfaces in EA
EA and SysML Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create internal block diagrams in EA
- When to create internal block diagrams
- Internal block structure
- Part and reference property instances
- Roles and multiplicity
- Add part property instances in EA
- Connect parts in EA
- Ports and interfaces
- Items for information flow
- Define ports and conjugated ports in EA
- Model item flows in EA
EA and SysML Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create parametric diagrams in EA
- Constraint blocks
- Define constraint blocks in EA
- Parameters on constraint properties
- Input and output parameters
- Models equations and formulae
- Add constraint properties in EA
- Add parameters in EA
- Connect parameters in EA
EA and UML/SysML Teaching – 1 hour
Paper Exercises – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create activity diagrams in EA
- Document business activities and workflow
- Model sequential actions
- Add actions and control flow in EA
- Decision and merge (conditional logic)
- Fork and join (parallel logic)
- Model decisions and parallel actions in EA
- Object states and action pins
- Add action pins in EA
- Send, accept and time signals
- Model send, accept and time signals in EA
- Swimlanes for responsibility
- Use swimlanes or partitions in EA
EA and UML/SysML Teaching – 1 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1 hour
- Create sequence diagrams in EA
- Object notation and lifelines
- Message passing and sequencing
- Actors and the system boundary
- Add objects, messages and returns in EA
- Communicate using interfaces in EA
- Asynchronous messages
- Show asynchronous messages in EA
- Create and delete objects
- Create and destroy objects in EA
- Interaction frames for loops and decisions
- Use fragments for logic in EA
- Centralised versus distributed control
EA and UML/SysML Teaching – 1 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create state machine diagrams in EA
- When to use state machines
- Object lifecycles and states
- Transitions, events and actions
- Guard conditions
- Add states and transitions in EA
- Define events, conditions and actions in EA
- Entry, exit and do events
- Internal actions and self-transitions
- Add entry, exit and do events to states in EA
- Nested states and the history symbol
- Show nested states and history in EA
UML Modules

UML Teaching – 0.5 hour
- Advantages of graphical notations
- History of UML
- Key UML diagrams
- Business process models
- Requirements capture
- Static and dynamic models
UML Teaching – 0.5 hour
- Importance of managing requirements
- Differentiate needs from solutions
- Requirements traceability
- Strategies to control scope creep
- Document requirements
- Requirements levels and relationships
- Categorise requirements
UML/SysML Teaching – 0.5 hour
- What information to gather
- Sources of information
- Top 8 requirements elicitation techniques
- When to use each technique
- Common problems with elicitation
UML/SysML Teaching – 1 hour
Paper Exercises – 1.5 hours
- Comparison with traditional requirements
- Workshops and GUI prototypes
- Model users as actors
- External systems and timers
- Actor definition and notation
- Actor generalisation
- Use case and scenario definition
- Use case notation
- Use case diagrams
UML/SysML Teaching – 1 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
- Use case specification
- Use cases drive development
- Include relationship
- Extend relationship
- Use case inheritance
UML/SysML Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Document business activities and workflow
- Model Sequential activities
- Nested and structured activities
- Decision and merge (conditional logic)
- Fork and join (parallel logic)
- Object states and action pins
- Send, accept and time signals
- Swimlanes for responsibility
UML Teaching – 1 hour
Paper Exercises – 1.5 hours
- Model real world concepts
- Classes and objects
- Object identity and responsibilities
- Encapsulation of attributes
- Objects as intelligent black boxes
- What makes a good class
- How to discover classes
- Whole-part relationships (aggregation)
- Generalisation-specialisation (inheritance)
- Polymorphism
UML Teaching – 1 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
- Domain classes and notation
- Attributes
- Associations and multiplicity
- Whole-part relationships (aggregation)
- Generalisation-specialisation (inheritance)
UML Teaching – 1 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
- Class definition and notation
- Attributes, operations and parameters
- Visibility
- Associations, multiplicity and direction
- Whole-part relationships (aggregation)
- Generalisation-specialisation (inheritance)
UML Teaching – 1 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
- Attribute scope and properties
- Class multiplicity
- Parameter direction on operations
- Roles and association qualifier
- Constraints
- Reflexive associations
- Association classes and derived information
- Stereotypes and tagged values
- Additional class compartments
- Nested classes and composition
- Abstract classes and operations
- Multiple inheritance
UML Teaching – 0.25 hour
Paper Exercises – 0.25 hour
- Design component-based systems
- Build or buy components
- Understand interfaces and services
- Logical component architecture
UML Teaching – 0.25 hour
Paper Exercises – 0.25 hour
- Define network nodes and devices
- Document communication mechanisms
- Assign components to nodes
UML Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
- Object collaboration and messaging
- Map use cases to the class model
- Classes, responsibilities and collaborations
- Boundary, control and entity classes
UML/SysML Teaching – 1 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
- Object notation and lifelines
- Message passing and sequencing
- Actors and the system boundary
- Asynchronous messages
- Create and delete objects
- Interaction frames for loops and decisions
- Centralised verses distributed control
UML Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Object notation and links
- Message passing and sequencing
- Asynchronous messages
- Alternative paths and loops
UML/SysML Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
- When to use state machines
- Object lifecycles and states
- Transitions and events
- Actions
- Entry, exit and do events
UML/SysML Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Guard conditions
- Internal events and self-transitions
- Automatic transitions
- Nested states and the history symbol
- Concurrent states
UML Teaching – 1 hour
Paper Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Advantages of design patterns
- Document design patterns
- Creational patterns (factory, singleton)
- Structural patterns (composite, adaptor, bridge)
- Behavioural patterns (state, iterator, command)
UML Teaching – 0.5 hour
- Persistence and relational databases
- Wrapper classes and factories
- Store classes and attributes
- Record associations
- Many to many relationships
- Mapping inheritance
EA UML Modules

EA Teaching – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1.5 hours
- Introduction to EA
- Navigate the EA user interface
- Create project models in EA
- Create diagrams in EA
- Understand the structure of EA projects
- Create and delete elements in EA
- Search for elements in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create requirements diagrams in EA
- Document requirements in EA
- Relate requirements in EA
- Set requirements priority and status in EA
- Define requirements categories in EA
- View list of requirements in EA
- Import and export requirements in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create use case diagrams in EA
- Create and document actors in EA
- Define use cases in EA
- Colour code use case status in EA
- Organise the use case model in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Document scenarios in EA
- Generate activity diagrams in EA
- Generate test cases in EA
- Add use case relationships in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Add requirements to use case or activity in EA
- Create realize relationships in EA
- Drag and drop requirements in EA
- Diagram to demonstrate traceabilty in EA
- Traceability window in EA
- Matrix to cross-reference requirements in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create activity diagrams in EA
- Add actions and control flow in EA
- Model decisions and parallel actions in EA
- Add action pins in EA
- Model send, accept and time signals in EA
- Use swimlanes or partitions in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1 hour
- Create domain models in EA
- Model business classes in EA
- Add key attributes in EA
- Define analysis attribute types in EA
- Add associations and define multiplicity in EA
- Model aggregation in EA
- Create inheritance hierarchies in EA
EA Teaching – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1 hour
- Create class diagrams in EA
- Model classes and document purpose in EA
- Add attributes in EA
- Define operations and parameters in EA
- Add associations, multiplicity and direction in EA
- Model aggregation and composition in EA
- Create inheritance hierarchies in EA
- Model abstract classes and operations in EA
- Add maintenance information in EA
- Use tagged values in EA
- Organise the class model in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Add, get and set properties in EA
- Write code for operations in EA
- Set code generation options in EA
- Adjust code generation templates in EA
- Generate code in EA
- Reverse engineer code in EA
- Synchronise model and code in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create component diagrams in EA
- Create and document components in EA
- Define interfaces and specify services in EA
- Add ports to components in EA
- Model component assemblies in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create deployment diagrams in EA
- Add nodes and devices in EA
- Use alternate images for devices in EA
- Add custom properties to devices in EA
- Add components to nodes in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1 hour
- Create sequence diagrams in EA
- Add objects, messages and returns in EA
- Communicate using interfaces in EA
- Show asynchronous messages in EA
- Create and destroy objects in EA
- Use fragments for logic in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create communication diagrams in EA
- Add objects and messages in EA
- Message sequence numbering in EA
- Show conditions and iteration in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create state machine diagrams in EA
- Add states and transitions in EA
- Define events, conditions and actions in EA
- Add entry, exit and do events to states in EA
- Show nested states and history in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Document a design pattern using UML in EA
- Export a design pattern from EA
- Import a design pattern into EA
- Apply a design pattern in EA
EA + UML Modules

EA and UML Teaching – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create requirements diagrams in EA
- Importance of managing requirements
- Differentiate needs from solutions
- Requirements traceability
- Strategies to control scope creep
- Document requirements
- Document requirements in EA
- Requirements levels and relationships
- Relate requirements in EA
- Set requirements priority and status in EA
- Categorise requirements
- Define requirements categories in EA
- View list of requirements in EA
- Import and export requirements in EA
EA and UML/SysML Teaching – 1 hour
Paper Exercises 1.5 hours
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create use case diagrams in EA
- Comparison with traditional requirements
- Workshops and GUI prototypes
- Model users as actors
- External systems and timers
- Actor definition and notation
- Actor generalisation
- Create and document actors in EA
- Use case and scenario definition
- Use case notation
- Use case diagrams
- Define use cases in EA
- Colour code use case status in EA
- Organise the use case model in EA
EA and UML/SysML Teaching – 1 hour
Paper Exercises 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Use case specification
- Document scenarios in EA
- Use cases drive development
- Generate activity diagrams in EA
- Generate test cases in EA
- Include relationship
- Extend relationship
- Use case inheritance
- Add use case relationships in EA
EA and UML/SysML Teaching – 1 hour
Paper Exercises – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create activity diagrams in EA
- Document business activities and workflow
- Model sequential actions
- Add actions and control flow in EA
- Decision and merge (conditional logic)
- Fork and join (parallel logic)
- Model decisions and parallel actions in EA
- Object states and action pins
- Add action pins in EA
- Send, accept and time signals
- Model send, accept and time signals in EA
- Swimlanes for responsibility
- Use swimlanes or partitions in EA
EA and UML Teaching – 1 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1 hour
- Create domain models in EA
- Domain classes and notation
- Attributes
- Model business classes in EA
- Add key attributes in EA
- Define analysis attribute types in EA
- Associations and multiplicity
- Add associations and define multiplicity in EA
- Whole-part relationships (aggregation)
- Model aggregation in EA
- Generalisation-specialisation (inheritance)
- Create inheritance hierarchies in EA
EA and UML Teaching – 1 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1 hour
- Create class diagrams in EA
- Class definition and notation
- Attributes, operations and parameters
- Visibility
- Model classes and document purpose in EA
- Define attributes in EA
- Define operations and parameters in EA
- Associations, multiplicity and direction
- Add associations, multiplicity and direction in EA
- Whole-part relationships (aggregation)
- Composition
- Model aggregation and composition in EA
- Generalisation-specialisation (inheritance)
- Abstract classes and operations
- Create inheritance hierarchies in EA
- Model abstract classes and operations in EA
- Add maintenance information in EA
- Use tagged values in EA
- Organise the class model in EA
EA and UML Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create component diagrams in EA
- Design component-based systems
- Build or buy components
- Create and document components in EA
- Understand interfaces and services
- Define interfaces and specify services in EA
- Add ports to components in EA
- Logical component architecture
- Model component assemblies in EA
EA and UML Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create deployment diagrams in EA
- Define network nodes
- Add nodes and devices in EA
- Use alternate images for devices in EA
- Add custom properties to devices in EA
- Assign components to nodes
- Add components to nodes in EA
EA and UML/SysML Teaching – 1 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1 hour
- Create sequence diagrams in EA
- Object notation and lifelines
- Message passing and sequencing
- Actors and the system boundary
- Add objects, messages and returns in EA
- Communicate using interfaces in EA
- Asynchronous messages
- Show asynchronous messages in EA
- Create and delete objects
- Create and destroy objects in EA
- Interaction frames for loops and decisions
- Use fragments for logic in EA
- Centralised versus distributed control
EA and UML Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create communication diagrams in EA
- Object notation and links
- Message passing and sequencing
- Asynchronous messages
- Add objects and messages in EA
- Message sequence numbering in EA
- Alternative paths and loops
- Show conditions and iteration in EA
EA and UML/SysML Teaching – 1 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create state machine diagrams in EA
- When to use state machines
- Object lifecycles and states
- Transitions, events and actions
- Guard conditions
- Add states and transitions in EA
- Define events, conditions and actions in EA
- Entry, exit and do events
- Internal actions and self-transitions
- Add entry, exit and do events to states in EA
- Nested states and the history symbol
- Show nested states and history in EA
EA and UML Teaching – 1 hour
Paper Exercises – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Advantages of design patterns
- Document design patterns
- Creational patterns (factory, singleton)
- Structural patterns (composite, adaptor, bridge)
- Behavioural patterns (state, iterator, command)
- Document a design pattern using UML in EA
- Export a design pattern from EA
- Import a design pattern into EA
- Apply a design pattern in EA
UML Workshops

Paper Exercises – 2.5 hours
- Quick reminder of UML notation
- Role play to identify processes and activities
- Build business process model
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
- Quick reminder of UML notation
- Create use case model
- Planning session
- Capture requirements details
- Map non-functional requirements to use cases
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
- Quick reminder of UML notation
- Model use case logic as an activity diagram
- Construct domain model
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
- Quick reminder of UML notation
- Explore object interactions
- Model complex state behaviour
BPMN Modules

BPMN Teaching – 0.5 hour
- What is BPMN?
- Business process models
- 4 BPMN diagram types
BPMN Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
- Start and end events
- Activities and sequence flow
- Exclusive and parallel gateways for logic
- Intermediate events
- Message and timer events
- Data stores and data objects
- Tasks and sub-processes
- Allocate responsibility with pools and lanes
BPMN Teaching – 0.5 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
- Conditional and default sequence flows
- Markers for activity behaviour and task types
- Event types
- Edge mounted events
- Transactions and compensation
- Inclusive and event gateway types
BPMN Teaching – 0.25 hour
Paper Exercises – 0.25 hour
- Black box pools
- Message flows between pools
- Initiating and responding message icons
BPMN Teaching – 0.25 hour
Paper Exercises – 0.25 hour
- Black box pools
- Conversations and links
BPMN Teaching – 0.25 hour
Paper Exercises – 0.25 hour
- Choreography tasks
- Initiating and responding message icons
EA BPMN Modules

EA Teaching – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1.5 hours
- Introduction to EA
- Navigate the EA user interface
- Create project models in EA
- Create diagrams in EA
- Understand the structure of EA projects
- Create and delete elements in EA
- Search for elements in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1 hour
- Create BPMN process diagrams in EA
- Add events, activities and sequence flow in EA
- Use exclusive and parallel gateways in EA
- Create message and timer events in EA
- Model data objects in EA
- Business processes and sub-processes in EA
- Define pools and lanes in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1 hour
- Conditional and default sequence flows in EA
- Select activity behaviour and task types in EA
- Reflect event types in EA
- Show transactions and compensation in EA
- Model inclusive and event gateways in EA
EA Teaching – 0.25 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create BPMN collaboration diagrams in EA
- Add black box pools in EA
- Show message flows and icons in EA
EA Teaching – 0.25 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create BPMN conversation diagrams in EA
- Add black box pools in EA
- Model conversations and links in EA
EA Teaching – 0.25 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create BPMN choreography diagrams in EA
- Model choreography tasks in EA
- Show message icons in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Add requirements to use case or activity in EA
- Create realize relationships in EA
- Drag and drop requirements in EA
- Diagram to demonstrate traceabilty in EA
- Traceability window in EA
- Matrix to cross-reference requirements in EA
EA + BPMN Modules

EA and BPMN Teaching – 1 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1 hour
- Create BPMN process diagrams in EA
- Model business processes
- Start and end events
- Activities and sequence flow
- Add events, activities and sequence flow in EA
- Exclusive and parallel gateways for logic
- Use exclusive and parallel gateways in EA
- Intermediate events
- Message and timer events
- Create message and timer events in EA
- Data stores and data objects
- Model data objects in EA
- Tasks and sub-processes
- Business processes and Sub-processes in EA
- Allocate responsibility with pools and lanes
- Define pools and lanes in EA
EA and BPMN Teaching – 1 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1 hour
- Conditional and default sequence flows
- Conditional and default sequence flows in EA
- Markers for activity behaviour and task types
- Select activity behaviour and task types in EA
- Event types
- Reflect event types in EA
- Edge mounted events
- Transactions and compensation
- Show transactions and compensations in EA
- Inclusive and event gateway types
- Model inclusive and event gateways in EA
EA and BPMN Teaching – 0.25 hour
Paper Exercises – 0.25 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create BPMN collaboration diagrams in EA
- Black box pools
- Add black box pools in EA
- Message flows between pools
- Initiating and responding message icons
- Show message flows and icons in EA
EA and BPMN Teaching – 0.25 hour
Paper Exercises – 0.25 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create BPMN conversation diagrams in EA
- Black box pools
- Add black box pools in EA
- Conversations and links
- Model conversations and links in EA
EA and BPMN Teaching – 0.25 hour
Paper Exercises – 0.25 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create BPMN choreography diagrams in EA
- Choreography task
- Model choreography tasks in EA
- Initiating and responding message icons
- Show message icons in EA
BPMN Workshops

Paper Exercises – 2.5 hours
- Quick reminder of BPMN notation
- Role play to identify processes and activities
- Build business process model
Extra EA Modules

EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1 hour
- Record test information in EA
- Create test case element in EA
- Show test details on diagrams in EA
- Generate test cases in EA
- Cross reference test cases using matrix in EA
- Generate a test report in EA
- Import and export test cases in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1 hour
- Create Wireframe diagrams in EA
- Model container frame features in EA
- Add standard interface controls in EA
- Populate controls with realistic content in EA
- Include images, toolbars and menus in EA
- Use composite elements in EA
- Learn about GUI patterns in EA
- Trace GUI to requirements in EA
EA Teaching – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1 hour
- Create relational database diagrams in EA
- Use patterns to create database structure in EA
- Use database builder in EA
- Create database tables in EA
- Add columns and primary key in EA
- Add constraints for indexes and triggers in EA
- Document foreign keys in EA
- Add queries, views and stored procedures in EA
- Generate DDL from EA to live database
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create composite elements in EA
- Define stereotypes in EA
- Use tagged values for custom properties in EA
- Nominate a template package in EA
- Create custom searches in EA
- Define model views in EA
- Filter diagrams in EA
- Define working sets in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Use a shared network drive for EA
- Create replica projects with EA
- Connect to DBMS repository or cloud with EA
- Packages and responsibility in EA
- Enable security in EA
- Import and export XMI with EA
- Integrate EA with version control system
- Baselines and differences in EA
- Enable auditing in EA
- Conduct team discussions in EA
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 0.5 hour
- Create project glossary in EA
- Generate MS Word, RTF or PDF from EA
- Select document options in EA
- Create document templates in EA
- Produce HTML reports from EA
- Customise HTML templates in EA
EA Workshops

EA Teaching – 1 hour
EA Demos – 1.5 hours
- Introduce Enterprise Architect
- Support for industry standards
- EA project structure, diagrams and navigation
- Creating ArchiMate, BPMN, UML and SysML models
- Benefit from reuse and traceability
- Add custom properties using tagged values
- Use powerful search facilities
- Create heat map or technology roadmap
- Apply filters to diagrams
- Track changes and baseline modules
- Generate code and database schemas
- Generate HTML reports and documents
- Share models with WebEA or Prolaborate
EA Hands-On Exercises – 2.5 hours
- Quick reminder of BPMN notation
- Role play to identify processes and activities
- Build business process model in EA
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1 hour
- Quick reminder of UML notation
- Create use case model in EA
- Planning session
- Capture requirements details in EA
- Map non-functional requirements to use cases in EA
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1 hour
- Quick reminder of UML notation
- Model use case logic as an activity diagram in EA
- Construct domain model in EA
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1 hour
- Quick reminder of UML notation
- Explore object interactions in EA
- Model complex state behaviour in EA
EA Teaching – 2 hours
EA Hands-On Exercises – 4 hours
- Apply document options and filters
- Create templates using the document editor
- Define cover page and table of contents
- Create and apply style sheets
- Use project and report constants
- Add sections to content of template
- Add element fields and adjust format
- Make use of headers, footers and tables
- Structure documents with fragments
- Create complex virtual documents
- Share templates between projects
EA Teaching – 2 hours
EA Hands-On Exercises – 4 hours
- Write scripts to control and update EA models
- Write a script to update tagged values
- Write a script to manipulate diagrams
- Write a script to perform a complex search
EA Teaching – 0.5 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1.5 hours
- Use CSV to transfer data from Excel to EA
- Use CSV to transfer data from EA to Excel
- Use CSV to transfer tagged values
EA Teaching – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 3 hours
- Write scripts to connect Excel to EA via API
- Write scripts to transfer data from Excel to EA
- Write scripts to transfer data from EA to Excel
- Extend scripts to transfer tagged values
- Synchronise EA elements with Excel
EA Teaching – 2 hours
EA Hands-On Exercises – 4 hours
- Create profile for custom element types
- Add tagged values to elements
- Define custom relationships
- Create profile for custom toolbox pages
- Create profile for custom diagram type
- Combine profiles into an MDG technology
- Create profile for custom package
- Define pattern for toolbox or model wizard
EA Teaching – 1.5 hours
EA Hands-On Exercises – 2.5 hours
- Create dialog boxes and add controls
- Use composition to connect dialog boxes
- Generate interactive HTML output
- Traceability from design to requirements
- Build state machine to model interface states
- Define signals that trigger state changes
- Automate interface by executing state machine
EA Teaching – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 2 hours
- Create graphical project dashboards
- Produce product roadmaps
- Use Kanban diagrams
- Allocate resources to tasks
- View and update Gantt charts