EA and Data Modelling
Course Description:
This course is aimed at data architects and software designers who wish to use Enterprise Architect to capture logical and physical data models. The course teaches delegates how to create domain models using UML class diagrams and how to use the database builder environment for relational database models.

No prior Enterprise Architect experience is required.
Delegates should have knowledge of class diagrams and relational database design.

For on-site delivery the customer should provide a suitable training room with a screen or projector to connect to our trainer’s laptop and a whiteboard or flipchart. All delegates require a PC or laptop running Enterprise Architect (corporate edition or higher).
For webinar delivery delegates require a PC or laptop running Enterprise Architect with an Internet connection (a headset can be helpful). If you wish to test your environment join a test WebEx meeting: www.webex.com/test-meeting.html
A trial version of Enterprise Architect is fine for training and can be downloaded from Sparx Systems website: www.sparxsystems.com/products/ea/trial.html. It is also helpful to have a mouse as this makes creating diagrams much easier.
Course Style:
50% theory, 50% practical.
Each module is accompanied by a hands-on exercise to allow delegates to apply the theory and become confident using Enterprise Architect.
Delegate Handouts:
Each delegate receives a folder containing all the course slides and comprehensive theory notes which form excellent reference material. Folders also contain exercises and suggested solutions. Following successful completion of the course each delegate receives a certificate.
Course Modules:
- Delegate background and objectives
- Timetable and course outline
EA Teaching – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1.5 hours
- Introduction to EA
- Navigate the EA user interface
- Create project models in EA
- Create diagrams in EA
- Understand the structure of EA projects
- Create and delete elements in EA
- Search for elements in EA
EA and UML Teaching – 1 hour
Paper Exercises – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1 hour
- Create domain models in EA
- Domain classes and notation
- Attributes
- Model business classes in EA
- Add key attributes in EA
- Define analysis attribute types in EA
- Associations and multiplicity
- Add associations and define multiplicity in EA
- Whole-part relationships (aggregation)
- Model aggregation in EA
- Generalisation-specialisation (inheritance)
- Create inheritance hierarchies in EA
UML Teaching – 0.5 hour
- Persistence and relational databases
- Wrapper classes and factories
- Store classes and attributes
- Record associations
- Many to many relationships
- Mapping inheritance
EA Teaching – 1 hour
EA Hands-On Exercises – 1 hour
- Create relational database diagrams in EA
- Use patterns to create database structure in EA
- Use database builder in EA
- Create database tables in EA
- Add columns and primary key in EA
- Add constraints for indexes and triggers in EA
- Document foreign keys in EA
- Add queries, views and stored procedures in EA
- Generate DDL from EA to live database